One Lovely Blog Award

Hello, lovelies! (See what I did there?)

I was honored to be nominated by Annastasia and Tracy over at Bibliofiles13, so thanks so much guys! 🙂 Don’t forget to pop over to their blog if you’ve got a few minutes to spare!

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog.
  2. Add the One Lovely Blog Award logo to your post.
  3. Share 7 things about yourself.
  4. Pass this on to as many people as you like (max 15).
  5. Include this set of rules.
  6. Inform your nominees.

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7 Facts About Me!

1. K-Dramas. I love k-dramas even though they’ll probably be the death of me. I’ve also come to realize that k-dramas have a few similarities to books… And I’m going to name two of the big ones here.

  • Love Triangles. I. Can’t. Even. WHY. Of course k-dramas must have one of the two tropes that I absolutely cannot stand. Did I mention that in every k-drama I’ve watched so far, there’s been a love triangle? *looks distraught* *crisis over love for k-dramas and strong dislike for love triangles*
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  • Slow burn romance! YAY! I love slow-burn romances in books. Love, love, love. It’s just so much more realistic. Also, when the characters finally get together it feels so great because you waited so long.
    • Except with k-dramas? See, something you should know about k-dramas is basically everything is taken to the extreme. And let me just say: THE PAIN FROM WAITING SO LONG FOR CHARACTERS TO GET TOGETHER IS REAL.
      • This is mainly because the main characters are absolutely OBLIVIOUS to their feelings for each other and because of that darn second lead who completes every love triangle in a k-drama. Grrr.
      • Let me give you an idea what it’s like. Each episode is around an hour. It takes 10 episodes for the characters to finally kiss! 10 EPISODES of looks, jealousy, almost kisses, hugs, and awkward moments. *bangs head against table*
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I guarantee you. This took a billion episodes to happen.

2. I love kpop, too! Okay, so this post is turning out to be just an ode to my love for kdramas and kpop. Yeah.

Also me.

3. I love writing almost as much as I love reading. Do I seem more like a normal person now? Heh. Heh.

4. I actually quite like French music! I like music in any language. 🙂

5. Not too much of a fan of regular pop music nowadays. It saddens me what a lot of these songs are about. However, there are still a few pop songs out there that give me hope!

6. When I was younger I used to carry giant stacks of books around the house every day to read. No joke.

7. I tried to learn calligraphy at one point. Not sure if I succeeded or not. Hm.

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Thanks for reading! 👋







4 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

    I don't like most pop music nowadays either cause of the subject matter.It's all the sameeee


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